Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder that there is a P802.3ck TF ad hoc meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 8, 2020 from 7-8am Pacific. (NOTE: JUST 1 HOUR)
If you would like to present in the ad hoc call, please send an email to me and Beth Kochuparambil (edonnay@xxxxxxxxx) indicating the presentation title, a brief description, and approximate presentation/discussion time before 5 pm Pacific on Monday January
6 and send us the presentation by 12noon Pacific on Tues, January 7.
Note that the meeting invite information was moved from the Task Force ad hoc webpage to the Task Force private area. There are links to it from the ad hoc webpage. If you do not have the user or password information to the 3ck Task Force private area,
please reach out to me or Beth. (The 802.3 Working group login info works for that page.)
IEEE 802.3ck Vice-Chair