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[10GBT] Timeline

Title: Timeline

Dear Task Force members,

Sanjay and I have been talking about some of the steps we need to take to get to our first draft (and beyond).  Now that the Task Force has selected parameters for a link segment model, that will permit Sanjay and crew to start on an initial draft of that section of the document.

The next stage is for the PHY vendors to present complete proposals to the Task Force.  Sanjay has sent a parameter list and evaluation criteria to the reflector and the material has been posted to the web site (  The list and criteria can be used to help present your material.

At the May Interim meeting, the Task Force needs to start filtering out proposals or efforts.  If less than 25% of the Task Force is interested in continuing to pursue a proposal or effort, then we should consider removing it from our selection criteria.  The Task Force needs to be able to continue to focusing on proposals that are capable of >= 75% support of the Task Force.

Once we start to lock down some of the technical specification, then we can start to work on things such as the auto-negotiation routine, startup sequence, power backoff, etc.


Bradley Booth
Chair, IEEE P802.3an Task Force