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Re: [8023-10GEPON] [POWER BUDGET] resolving differences over PIN vs. APD

Frank Chang,

I think it was you and I who disagreed over whether +3dBM average output
power EMLs were commercially available, which is item #3 below.

Why don't we try to sort this out by Monday with examples of highest power
commercial EMLs available.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lingle, Jr, Robert (Robert) [mailto:rlingle@OFSOPTICS.COM]
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 12:13 PM
Subject: [8023-10GEPON] [POWER BUDGET] resolving differences over PIN
vs. APD


As chair noted in his email of 6/12, please recall the discussion we had on
Monday evening in Geneva about pros and cons of PIN vs. APD in ONU.

Attached are the straw polls and points of argument.

I have identified three items in red to focus on initially.

 <<APD vs PIN pro-n-con.pdf>> 

1. An objection was raised to having an amplified EML at OLT due to
non-linear interactions between D/S and analog video overlay. David Piehler
supplied a response that will be posted separately to start a thread.

In two cases we had task force members stating directly contradictory

2. one stated that PIN ONU leads to lowest fully subscribed cost, while
another stated that PIN ONU leads to highest fully subscribed cost.

3. one stated that high power EMLs (+2 to +3 dBm minimum output power) for
use with APD at ONU are commercially available today, while another stated
that such high power EMLs are not available today.

I would like to ask for volunteers who hold opinions on point #2 and point
#3 to volunteer to defend these those positions on the Reflector, with
back-up information.

Warmest Regards,

Robert Lingle, Jr.
Fiber Design and Transmission Simulation
OFS Corporate R&D, Atlanta
404-886-3581 (cell)
770-798-5015 (office)