[8023-10GEPON] Announcements and Reminders
A few announcements first:
1) All marked-up versions of the D1.2 clauses are uploaded to the web. Due to some technical difficulties, our editors were unable to produce a single pdf file, like we did for clean (non-marked-up) version, so each clause is posted as a separate pdf. These clauses are posted only to indicate the specific changes made after D1.1. Please, remember that the comments should be submitted against the clean version (http://www.ieee802.org/3/av/private/draft_1_2/3av_d1_2.pdf).
2) Our May meeting will take place in Hilton Munich City Downtown on May 13-15, 2008, in Munich, Germany. You may look into booking air tickets soon to get a better fare.
The approaching deadlines:
1) Our deadline for submitting comments is Friday, April 4, 2008.
2) To attend April Interim meeting, you need to register before April 10th, 2008. Registration procedure is explained here: http://www.ansl.ntt.co.jp/Interim_Meeting/index.html.
Best regards,