[8023-10GEPON] procedure to join sponsor ballot group
Dear 802.3av Task force members,
At some point in time, hopefully not too far in the future, we will complete working group ballot phase and will initiate sponsor ballot phase. Since our task force has a fair number of participants who are living through the IEEE standardization process for the very first time, I though I would post a short explanation of what's to come.
The sponsor ballot procedure is somewhat similar to the WG ballot, however ballots are cast through an online portal called MyBallot. While the working group ballots are open only to WG members, the sponsor ballots are open to anyone who replies to a ballot invitation. You will not be automatically added to the ballot group, until you sign-up in response to a ballot invitation and meet certain membership requirements (or pay a balloting fee). Please, review the following document on how to open MyBallot account and how to get notified about new ballot invitations:
Currently, an invitation to join the ballot group for P802.3av is open, and will remain open until November 20th. If you don't join the ballot group before the deadline, you will not be able to participate in sponsor ballots for our project. You may follow these steps to join the ballot pool:
1. Log onto myProject; click the link for myBallot.
2. Click the link for myBallot Control Panel (if applicable); click the link for "Show/Join Open Ballot Invitations":
3. Scroll down until you find the open ballot group of interest to you; then scroll over to the right margin and click "join" under the "Actions" column.
4. Select a classification category and click "OK" at the bottom of the screen. You will receive an on-screen confirmation that you successfully joined the group.
If you are not an IEEE SA Member, you can either enroll in a single ballot by paying a per-ballot fee or you can join the IEEE SA by choosing an option link below. Joining the IEEE SA entitles you to participate in as many sponsor ballots as you like for the year.
OPTION 1 - I am already an IEEE Member and I want to add Standards Association Membership. Go to: https://myieeemembership.ieee.org/renewal/RenewalLogin
OPTION 2 - I am not an IEEE Member but would like to enroll in both IEEE and IEEE Standards Association. Go to: https://webapps2.ieee.org/member/Member
OPTION 3 - I am not interested in becoming an IEEE Member, however I would like to enroll as a Standards Association Member only. Go to: http://standards.ieee.org/sa-mem/join.html
If you have any questions about the above procedures, please let me know.
Glen Kramer
Chair, IEEE P802.3av "10GEPON" Task Force