Re: Proposal for accomodating 10.0000 and 9.58464 line rates
Hi Edward,
I will try to enlighten you. Please let me know if I succeed.
Edward.Chang@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Steve and Dan:
> Pleas enlighten me a little bit with your proposal.
> Questions:
> 1. Do we still need buffer, or not with the flow-control you are proposing.
We will need buffers in the PHY to accomodate the difference in MAC
and link speeds. I assume this will necessary anyway to allow for some
latency in the framing process.
> 2. This flow-control only deals speed-conversion issue; therefore, we still
> need a framer to convert different codes. Unless you are proposing one
> coding for both.
I am in support of a MAC/PLS interface that is un-coded data (as Shimon
suggested) and will therefore allow PHYs that use different coding for
their different environments. It is entirely reasonable to believe that
the coding requirements for a 40Km link will be different than those of
a 20m copper link.
Dan Dove