PHY/PMD Evaluation Criteria
Here is the first draft set of criteria assembled for the evaluation of
PHYs proposed for 10 GbE:
- Rate ability to meet the broadest set of applications & distance/fiber
type objectives
- A working prototype of a PHY is available by completion of Sponsor
Ballot (meets MDI specs)
- Relative cost comparison - short/long term
- Qualitative Reliability (e.g. MTBF, etc.)
- Time to standardization, Time to market
- Multiple vendor supply available by completion of Sponsor Ballot
And now... my 2 cents on what it all means:
- The criteria is in no particular order other than that generated on a
- Several items were non controversial, others were not. The
controversial ones: reliability, multi vendor
- The list is independent of any implied, suggested, or future objective
to specify two PHYs as an HSSG objective
- Brian Lemoff, HP, suggested that the criteria be used qualitatively by
voters to determine their own support for particular PHY alternatives
- I chaired the meeting with co-chair Walt Thirion. No sub-task-force is
established, but if one is, I will abdicate the throne to Walt due to my
personal support for one specific PHY proposal. Walt is perceived as
being more neutral.
- The list is NOT closed, please feel free to discuss it over this
reflector. Glaring omissions are invited
- Each item will be clarified in time. I am assuming that the criteria
will be voted upon at a later date (Nov?)
Best regards,
Richard Taborek Sr. 1441 Walnut Dr. Campbell, CA 95008 USA
Tel: 408-370-9233 Cell: 408-832-3957 Fax: 408-374-3645
Email: rtaborek@xxxxxxxxxxxxx