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Subject: Survey of lengths of installed optical fiber cable

The following email is sent on behalf of Goeff Thompson, Chair of 802.3 by the
HSSG Fiber Survey Ad Hoc:

                                                                                      September 27, 1999
To: IEEE 802.3 Members
From: Geoff Thompson, Chair IEEE 802.3
Subject: Survey of lengths of installed optical fiber cable
Characterization of the lengths and types of installed optical fiber cable is an item of critical
importance to the development of the higher speed 802.3 standard (~10 Gb/s). The attached
survey is designed to capture the information necessary to determine the installed cabling lengths
 in order to specify appropriate physical layer specifications for the higher speed standard.
We are requesting that each 802.3 member ask a network manager  in his/her own company
(on a coordinated basis that results in one response per company) to fill in the following
attached survey.
For 802.3 members who are employees of network equipment vendors, we ask in
addition that you request that one or more of your customers take the time to fill in the survey.
Criteria for participation:

+ OTDR length data on installed links (or equivalent detailed data e.g., where the
   lengths had been recorded from the cable length marks).
+ A minimum of 500 network nodes
Your participation is greatly appreciated. The goal is to present the survey results at our
 next plenary meeting which is scheduled for the week of 8 November in Hawaii.
To meet that deadline, the survey response is required by October 29th.
Forward completed surveys to Chris Di Minico, Mohawk/CDT (cd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
The survey documentation is located on the 802.3 web site at the following URLs.
Best Regards,
Geoff Thompson (geoff_thompso@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx), Chair IEEE