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tone and emails


You are right to assume that attendance at a 10GbE meeting is not a
prerequisite for participation in this public forum.  But please keep in
mind that 'all' of our emails can have, in one form or another, a
'tone'.  This is true in this forum, as well as in our own companies.
Heck, someone might even read a tone in here where non was intended.
Verbal/visual re-alignments are often wise to reset the emails to a
non-threatening tone.  Yup-per, I realize the intent of the internet,
and that we have all made some cash from it :), but please do not
under-estimate the power of a 'meeting' and assume that email will solve
all of our concerns - even though I hate to fly as much as the next
person :).

Just a thought before the new year
take care everyone

I am a bit disappointed with the tone of your last reply.
I have made technical comments on 10 GbE Serial, HARI and
MAS which I feel are relevant and germaine.  I have done
so while remaining respectful and courteous, albeit sometimes
lighthearted.  I expect the same in return.
I do not believe attendance at a 10GbE meeting is a prerequisite
for participation in this public forum.  Keep in mind the Internet
was evolved to allow investigators to share ideas, research results,
etc. without actually having to come together for a meeting.

If your best defense of your PAM5 MAS proposal is simply to question
my credentials, I believe your will message will be lost by those
readers who are following this dialogue for the sole purpose of
gaining useful information.  You are obviously not obligated to
accept my unsolicited advice in this matter.