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spreadsheet for MMF

Hello 10Giga'ers,

I was not able to attend the Dallas meeting. Hence,
I was lucky I missed the motion and straw-poll madness
of last Thursday.

The proposals in the spreadsheet can be cataloged into
three categories:

        1) proposals that use new high-speed fiber
           and lasers ("serial at 10/12.5 Gbaud")
        2) proposals that use new ribbon fiber
        3) proposals that reuse the installed MMF

The proposals targetted at the reuse of the installed
MMF fiber will enable the successful transition of the
existing networks from 1 GbE to 10 GbE. Hence, they
complement the proposals in the other categories.

For future polls to be meaningful we need first an
in-depth technical discussion and comparison of the
different proposals. Thursdays' madness is not the adequate
framework to do this.

A start towards this discussion is a technical spreadsheet.
I enclose a short pdf file to begin filling this gap in the
third category of proposals (installed MMF).

The feasibility/economical viability  of some of the
architectures is still under an interrogation mark.
Some proposals, specially those based on PAM-5 modulation,
need more time, but I think that there will be enough
time from here till July 2001 (before the LMSC ballot)
to answer all the questions and pass or fail the proof
of actual prototypes.


Jaime E. Kardontchik
Micro Linear
San Jose, CA 95131
email: kardontchik.jaime@xxxxxxxxxxx
