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Comments on P802.3ae/D1.1


Here are some comments on the latest release of the draft.
Comments from all of the clauses are combined. This is limited
to those comments that weren't made (or heard) last week
(I think).


30, page 46, line 23:
  Include clauses 53 & 54, page 47, line 21:
  Include clauses 53 & 54, page 58 &, page 60:
  aSectionCVs can be incremented for each errored bit in
  the B1 octet (the counter is incremented by a value
  between 0 & 8 for each SONET frame).
  aPathCVs can be incremented when any bit in the B3
  octet is in error (the counter is incremented by a
  value between 0 & 1 for each SONET frame).
  Why are these counters handled differently? I heard
  something about this being the way they are defined in
  SONET/SDH. Can I get a hard reference to those definitions
  if this is indeed the case?

33.1.2, page 72, line 28:
  This is a figure and should labeled as such.
  The text in this figure should be changed from
  "MDIO/MDC" to "MDIO/Interface", page 76, line 43:
  I thought we had removed all references to "SUPI"., page 77, lines 4 & 5:
  Change the 2 instances of 9.58 Gbps to 9.95 Gbps., page 81:
  This bit is unnecessary. The value read from 2.0.0 is
  fully adequate to relate this information., page 87, line 32:
  Can this RESET bit be considered common with the PCS
  & WIS RESET bits if a particular implementation combines
  the PHY XGXS, the 10GBASE-R PCS and the WIS?, page 88 &, page 90:
  Include the note used in all other descriptions of the
  LOOPBACK bit that describes how as much logic as possible
  should be exercised in this mode.

33.2.5, page 93, line 2 &, page 93, line 38:
  There are 2 SHALLs at these locations that attempt to
  enforce the same requirement. One of these is redundant.

Annex 45A, page 105:
  The Sync Header is generated as part of encoder then carried
  along outside the scrambler (which comes after the encoder).

Annex 45A, page 107:
  The Sync Header is carried along outside the descrambler to
  the decoder (which comes after the descrambler).

46, General comment:
  Bullets (except the last) should end in a semicolon (;) rather
  than a period (.). Only the last bullet in a list should end
  in a period.

  There are many cases where numbers are used directly (e.g. 32)
  and other cases where numbers are spelled out (e.g. four, eight).
  I suggest we be consistent.

46.1.1, page 111, line 7:
  Correct spelling of "equivalent".

46.1.2, page 111, line 13:
  Replace "as a interface" with "as an interface", page 115, line 8:
  In the Editor's note, bullet c, replace "not a Terminate nor an
  Error" with "a Terminate or an Error".

49, General comment:
  This clause uses the following terms:
    66-bit code-groups - page 172, line 51
    64b/66b block - page 175, line 50
    66-bit blocks - page 176, line 21
    64b/66b code block - page 177, line 41
    66-bit frames - page 184, line 12
  I suggest we choose 1 and be consistent.

  This clause uses the following terms:
    control code
    control character
  I suggest we choose 1 and be consistent.

49.1.1, page 172, line 17:
  Replace PCA with PMA

49.1.1, page 172:
  Add 10GBASE-SW, page 173, line 5:
  Replace XGMII with MDIO, page 173, line 24 &, page 173, line 29:
  Add 10GBASE-SR and 10GBASE-SW, page 13, line 29:
  Remove the second "The" at the start of this line.

49.1.6, page 175, Figure 49-2:
  The prepend sync function should be part of the Encode

49.2.2, page 176, line 9:
  Replace "WIS_UNITDATA.request" with "WIS_UNITDATA.indicate"

49.2.3, page 176, line 21:
  Replace "using an 64b/66b" with "using a 64b/66b"

49.2.4, page 176, line 32:
  Correct the spelling of synchronization., page 178, line 37:
  Replace "implies a additional" with "implies an additional", page 179, line 27:
  Replace "encodes the each of" with "encodes each of"

49.2.10, page 182, line 4:
  Replace "To XGMII data" with "Two XGMII data"
  In this same paragraph, the Receive process is being described
    so there is no reason to discuss deleting idles. My suggestion
    is to remove the second sentence of this paragraph., page 182:
  Remove the space between "{" and "C" - line 17
  Remove the spaces within the angle brackets on lines 35, 37, 39
    & 41, page 182, line 50:
  Replace "the PCS is begins" with "the PCS begins", page 183:
  Replace "tx_raw<71:0>" with "rx_raw<71:0>" - line 1
  Remove the period after hi_ber - line 15, page 183:
  Remove the spaces within the angle brackets on lines 36, 38, 40
    & 45, page 184:
  Replace "he Lock state" with "The Lock state" - line 16
  Replace "10monitors the" with "10 monitors the" - line 42
  Replace "one transitionfor" with "one transition for"

Figure 49-9, page 185:
  Need a "clock edge" to move this state machine along from
    state TEST_SH. This could be something as simple as a
    part of the definition of sh_valid or something as
    elaborate as "GEARBOX_UNITDATA.indicate" (or GUDI).

Figure 49-10, page 186:
  There are 2 states with the same name "BER_TEST_SH". Suggest
    changing the "lower" state's name to "BER_BAD_SH" or something

Figure 49-12, page 188:
  Since frame_lock=false is a global condition for entering
    state RX_INIT, there is no need for frame_lock=true in any
    of the exit conditions of this state.

50, General comment:
  Replace "10GBASE-W PCS" with "10GBASE-R PCS"

50.1, page 193, line 17 & 50.1.3, page 194, line 49:
  Remove 10GBASE-W label in front of MAC. There is no such entity.
    There is, however, a pace mode for the MAC which likely
    states what is intended.

50.1.7, page 196, lines 48-50:
  Remove this note. The same information was provided in 50.1.1,
    page 194, lines 13-17.

51.2.1, page 221:
  This sub-clause refers to the alignment of the 16-bit-wide
    data path from the PMA. It does not describe what the data
    is aligned to? Since I don't believe any alignment to a
    particular data pattern is required of the PMA, I can only
    assume that this alignment is to the clock edge.

51.3, page 222:
  Remove period at the start of this sub-clause - line 3
  Replace "A XSBI implementation" with "An XSBI implementation"
    - line 5
  Provide missing reference just before period - line 6

51.3.1, page 223, line 40:
  Replace "The The order of" with "The order of"

51.3.1, page 224, line 9:
  Uppercase the first letter of the sentence which begins:
    "data_group alignment..."

Benjamin Brown
2 Commerce Park West
Suite 104 
Bedford NH 03110
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