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Re: Question about Link Fault Signalling


Good observation. Note that Idles may be deleted for clock rate
compensation, whereas ordered-sets may not. ODDDODDD may result if a
single Idle is deleted. 

Best Regards,

David Gross wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> I have a quick question about what I've read about Link Fault
> Signalling.
> In 46.2.6 it says that the RS examines data for status messages, and
> further that status messages are alternaed with idle messages so that it
> would look somehting like:
> Looking at Figure 49-7 for 64b/66b PCS it would seem that this
> corresponds to either a TYPE field of 0x2d or 0x4b (CCCCODDD & ODDDCCCC
> respectively).
> However, the 64b/66b code also allows for ODDDSDDD and ODDDODDD. Now,
> ODDDSDDD seems OK to me if it follows ODDDCCCC as this is still
> alternating idle and status. But, what I can't see, is what the RS would
> do upon recieving ODDDODDD since this is clearly not alternating between
> idle and status. When would we use this? How?
> Thanks,
> Dave Gross
Richard Taborek Sr.                 Phone: 408-845-6102       
Chief Technology Officer             Cell: 408-832-3957
nSerial Corporation                   Fax: 408-845-6114
2500-5 Augustine Dr.        mailto:rtaborek@xxxxxxxxxxx
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