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[802.3ae] Mistake in article

To all of those in the 802.3ae Task Force,

There is an article on Light Reading,, that gives me credit 
as being the primary author of the 10GbE LAN PHY.  This is not correct.  I 
attempted to correct this before it "went to print", but evidently not in 
time.  While I was the instigator of what became the WAN PHY, I am not one 
of the editors and thus can not claim to be the author of anything in the 
10GbE specifications.  This was simple mistake on the part of the author of 
the article.  I hope that this does not adversely affect my relationship 
with any of the very hard working people in the P802.3ae TF that are due a 
lot more credit for the success of 10GbE as a standard than I am.

My apologies,
Roy Bynum