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[802.3_4PPOE] FW: [STDS-802-3] March 2015 plenary meeting notice

All, I missed ONE thing in this announcement. Our announced meeting times
have us starting Tuesday at 1PM. The plan is to start right after PoDL
ends or 1PM, which ever is earliest.

Chad Jones
MGR, HW ENG, Cisco Systems
Chair, IEEE P802.3bt 4PPoE Task Force

On 2/6/15, 11:57 AM, "Law, David" <dlaw@xxxxxx> wrote:

>Dear Colleagues,
>IEEE 802.3 will meet Monday 9th March through Thursday 12th March 2015 in
>Berlin, Germany. The IEEE 802.3 meetings are scheduled to occur in the
>Estrel Hotel and Convention Center, Berlin, Germany. As always, the IEEE
>802 LMSC session announcement, registration and current hotel information
>can be found through the 'Next IEEE 802 Plenary session notice' link on
>our home web page <>. To receive email updates and
>reminders for the plenary sessions, subscribe to the stds-802-ALL
>reflector <>.
>The IEEE 802.3 working group (WG) opening plenary meeting will begin at
>10:00 on Monday 9th March, and the IEEE 802.3 WG closing plenary meeting
>will begin at 13:00 on Thursday 12th March. Task Force (TF), Study Group
>(SG), standing committee and any appropriate ad hoc meetings will be
>scheduled between the opening and closing IEEE 802.3 meetings. The draft
>agenda, as well as liaison letters received so far, are available in the
>minutes area <> and will
>be updated as required prior to the meeting. The agenda will be approved
>at the meeting.
>We will gather two records of attendance, the attendance tracking tool
>and attendance books in each meeting. The attendance tool will be the
>only official record of attendance for building and maintaining WG
>membership. The meeting attendance books will be used to record the
>attendance in the minutes for each meeting and it is important that you
>review these minutes to make sure your attendance is recorded correctly
>as this will be the backup should there be an issue with the attendance
>Attendance credit toward membership requires attendance at three of the
>four days of the IEEE 802.3 session, independent of how long a particular
>TF or SG might be meeting. The attendance tracking tool will only allow
>sign in on Monday at the opening IEEE 802.3 plenary (not during the
>Monday afternoon meetings) and on Thursday at the closing IEEE 802.3
>plenary meeting (not during the Thursday morning meetings). A number of
>WG decisions are expected during the IEEE 802.3 meetings (most on
>Thursday during the closing meeting). Depending on the amount of
>discussion, the Thursday closing meeting may run beyond our target 18:00
>ending time, so please plan your travel accordingly.
>Additional subgroup information follows, please note that meeting day
>information is provisional. Information for contacting Task Force chairs,
>and archival project information can be found on our web site:
><>. Please note that IEEE P802.3by 25Gb/s Ethernet Task
>Force will be holding a short interim meeting on the Monday morning prior
>to the IEEE 802.3 Opening plenary.
>I look forward to seeing you in Berlin, Germany.
>David Law
>  Chair, IEEE 802.3 Working Group
>  dlaw@xxxxxx
>IEEE 802.3 Business <Mon morning, Thu afternoon>
>Working Group Home page:
>In addition to regular Working Group business, there will be Task Force
>and Study Group business based on the status below.
>While there will be no IEEE 802.3 meetings related to management, IEEE
>802.1 has scheduled a meeting on Tuesday 10th March from 13h00 to 15h00
>to further discuss a proposal to develop YANG models for IEEE 802.1
>01.pdf>. As it is possible that a similar proposal may be made in IEEE
>802.3 in the future, particularly if IEEE 802.1 takes this forward, I
>would encourage everybody interested in management to please attend this
>Maintenance Task Force <Mon afternoon>
>Task Force Home page: <>
>The Task Force will be considering new maintenance requests, reviewing
>the status of outstanding maintenance requests.
>The Maintenance Task Force is also progressing a revision project, IEEE
>P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx), to revise IEEE Std 802.3-2012. IEEE Std 802.3-2012
>requires a revision to allow consideration of future amendments per
>standards board policies. The Revision includes the merge of IEEE Std
>802.3bk-2013, IEEE Std 802.3bj-2014, IEEE Std 802.3bm-201x and
>accumulated maintenance changes. The Maintenance Task Force is expected
>to be in comment resolution on comments received on the 1st Working Group
>recirculation ballot of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) draft D2.1 that is
>planned to close prior to the meeting. It is also expected that the Task
>Force will request conditional approval to proceed to Sponsor ballot.
>Questions about maintenance activities can be addressed to the
>Maintenance Task Force Chair, Mr Adam Healey.
>IEEE P802.3bm 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Fibre Optic Task Force
>Task Force home page: <>
>IEEE P802.3bm/Draft D3.3 was recommended for approval as an IEEE Standard
>on the IEEE-SA Standards Board Standards Review Committee (RevCom)
>teleconference held on 30th January 2015. This recommendation is
>currently out for email ballot of the IEEE-SA Standards Board, with a
>ballot close date of mid-February. Assuming approval of IEEE
>P802.3bm/Draft D3.3 as an IEEE Standard prior to the plenary meeting,
>this Task Force will not be meeting.
>IEEE P802.3bn EPON Protocol over Coax (EPoC) Task Force <Tue, Wed, Thu
>Task Force home page: <>
>This will be the seventeenth meeting of the IEEE P802.3bn EPON Protocol
>over Coax (EPoC) Task Force. The IEEE P802.3bn Task Force is expected to
>be in comment resolution on comments received on the 4th Task Force
>review of IEEE P802.3bn draft D1.3 that will close prior to the meeting.
>Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair,
>Mr Mark Laubach.
>IEEE P802.3bp 1000BASE-T PHY Task Force  <Mon afternoon, Tue>
>Task Force home page: <>
>This will be the thirteenth meeting of the IEEE P802.3bp 1000BASE-T PHY
>Task Force. The IEEE P802.3bp Task Force is expected to be in comment
>resolution on comments received on the 3rd Task Force review of IEEE
>P802.3bp draft D1.3 that will close prior to the meeting.
>Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair,
>Mr Steve Carlson.
>IEEE P802.3bq 40GBASE-T Task Force <Wed, Thu morning>
>Task Force home page: <>
>This will be the twelfth meeting of the IEEE P802.3bq 40GBASE-T Task
>Force. The IEEE P802.3bq Task Force will be in comment resolution on
>comments received on the 3rd Task Force review of IEEE P802.3bq draft
>D1.2 that will close prior to the meeting. The IEEE P802.3bq draft D1.2
>will also be submitted for Working Group preview in preparation for a
>request to proceed to Working Group ballot.
>Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair,
>Mr David Chalupsky.
>IEEE P802.3br Interspersing Express Traffic Task Force <Tue morning, Thu
>Task Force home page: <>
>This will be the eighth meeting of the IEEE P802.3br Interspersing
>Express Traffic Task Force. It is expected that IEEE P802.3br draft D1.1
>will be submitted for Working Group preview in preparation for a request
>to proceed to Working Group ballot.
>Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair,
>Mr Ludwig Winkel.
>IEEE P802.3bs 400Gb/s Ethernet Task Force <Tue afternoon, Wed, Thu
>Task Force home page: <>
>This will be the sixth meeting of the IEEE P802.3bs 400Gb/s Ethernet Task
>Force. The IEEE P802.3bs Task Force continues to work on selection of a
>set of baseline proposals to satisfy the project objectives, progressing
>towards a technically complete draft for working group ballot. A "Big
>Ticket Items" list was generated in January, which defines the various
>issues individuals would like addressed before choosing various
>proposals. This list may be accessed at the URL
>Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair,
>Mr John D'Ambrosia.
>IEEE P802.3bt DTE Power via MDI over 4-Pair Task Force <Wed, Thu morning>
>Task Force home page: <>
>This will be the eighth meeting of the IEEE P802.3bt DTE Power via MDI
>over 4-Pair Task Force. The IEEE P802.3bt Task Force continues to work on
>selection of a set of baseline proposals to satisfy the project
>objectives, progressing towards a technically complete draft for working
>group ballot.
>CENELEC plan to publish a Technical Report, TR 50174-99-1 'Information
>technology - Cabling installation - Remote powering' on the self-heating
>of the cable due to it carrying power in March timeframe. Mike Gilmore,
>Convenor of CENELEC TC215 Working Group 1 (cabling design), will attend
>the plenary as an invited speaker to represent CENELEC and present the
>data and provide background information in the IEEE P802.3bt DTE Power
>via MDI over 4-Pair meeting. Due to the likely broad interest in this
>presentation it will occur at a fixed time, on Wednesday 11th March at
>Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair,
>Mr Chad Jones.
>IEEE P802.3bu 1-Pair Power over Data Lines (PoDL) Task Force <Mon
>afternoon, Tue>
>Task Force home page: <>
>This will be the eighth meeting of the IEEE P802.3bu 1-Pair Power over
>Data Lines (PoDL) Task Force. The IEEE P802.3bu Task Force continues to
>work on selection of a set of baseline proposals to satisfy the project
>objectives, progressing towards a technically complete draft for working
>group ballot.
>Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair,
>Mr Dave Dwelley.
>IEEE P802.3bv Gigabit Ethernet Over Plastic Optical Fiber Task Force
><Wed, Thu morning>
>Task Force home page: <>
>This will be the second meeting of the IEEE P802.3bv Gigabit Ethernet
>Over Plastic Optical Fiber Task Force. The IEEE P802.3bv Task Force
>continues to work on selection of a set of baseline proposals to satisfy
>the project objectives, progressing towards a technically complete draft
>for working group ballot.
>Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair,
>Mr Bob Grow.
>IEEE P802.3bw 100BASE-T1 Task Force  <Wed, Thu morning>
>Task Force home page: <>
>This will be the sixth meeting of the IEEE P802.3bw 100BASE-T1 Task
>Force.  The 100BASE-T1 Task Force is expected to be in comment resolution
>on comments received on the 1st Working Group recirculation ballot of
>100BASE-T1 draft D1.3 that is planned to close prior to the meeting. It
>is also expected that the Task Force will request conditional approval to
>proceed to Sponsor ballot.
>Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair,
>Mr Thomas Hogenmueller.
>IEEE P802.3by 25 Gb/s Ethernet Task Force <Mon, Tue>
>Task Force home page: <>
>This will be the second meeting of the IEEE P802.3by 25 Gb/s Ethernet
>Task Force. The IEEE P802.3by Task Force has adopted a set of baseline
>proposals to satisfy the project objectives, and continues to work to
>refine these proposals with the goal of generating D1.0 out of the March
>meeting and progressing towards a technically complete draft for working
>group ballot.
>Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair,
>Mr Mark Nowell.
>IEEE 802.3 Next Generation Enterprise Access BASE-T PHY Study Group <Wed,
>Thu morning>
>Study Group home page: <>
>This will be the second meeting of the IEEE 802.3 Next Generation
>Enterprise Access BASE-T PHY Study Group. The Study Group has developed
>and approved the draft IEEE P802.3bz Standard for Ethernet Amendment:
>Media Access Control Parameters, Physical Layers and Management
>Parameters for 2.5 Gb/s and 5 Gb/s Operation PAR, as well as supporting
>CSD and objectives. The draft PAR, CSD and objectives are pending IEEE
>802.3 Working Group approval at this meeting prior to seeking approval of
>both the PAR and CSD by the IEEE 802 LMSC Executive Committee. The draft
>PAR, CSD and objectives can be accessed as follows:
>Draft PAR request:
>Draft CSD: 
>Draft objectives: 
>Since the 13th February 2015 submission deadline for the 25th March 2015
>NesCom meeting occurs prior to the date of the March IEEE 802 EC meeting,
>I have pre-submitted the draft PAR to NesCom on the understanding that
>any changes to the draft PAR text resulting from the Plenary review
>process will be promptly communicated to the NesCom Administrator and
>should the IEEE 802.3 Working Group or the IEEE 802 LMSC Executive
>Committee not approve the submission, it will be removed from the NesCom
>Questions about the Study Group can be addressed to the Study Group
>Chair, Mr David Chalupsky.
>IEEE 802.3 25GBASE-T Study Group <Wed, Thu morning>
>Study Group home page:
>This will be the second meeting of the IEEE 802.3 25GBASE-T Study Group.
>The Study Group has developed and approved the draft PAR modification
>request for IEEE P802.3bq to expand the scope of the IEEE P802.3bq
>40GBASE-T project to include 25GBASE-T.
>One of the requirements of a PAR modification request is that item 8.1
>'Additional Explanatory Notes' contain a brief explanation of why the PAR
>is being modified. Unfortunately this item was empty in the IEEE P802.3bq
>40GBASE-T PAR modification request, and while the IEEE-SA myProject tool
>will allow a draft to be saved with this item blank, it will not permit
>submittal until it has been completed. As this would have prevented
>pre-submitted to 25th March 2015 NesCom meeting, after consultation with
>the IEEE 802.3 25GBASE-T Study Group Chair, and notice to the IEEE 802.3
>25GBASE-T Study Group reflector
><> to which there were no
>comment or objection, I added the text found in item 8.1 of the draft PAR
>modification request referenced below.
>A set of CSD responses (rather than updated 5C responses) are supplied to
>support this PAR modification request. The draft PAR modification,
>supporting CSD and updated objectives are pending IEEE 802.3 Working
>Group approval at this meeting prior to seeking approval of both the PAR
>and CSD by the IEEE 802 LMSC Executive committee. The draft PAR, CSD and
>objectives can be accessed as follows:
>Draft PAR request:
>Draft CSD: 
>Draft objectives: 
>Since the 13th February 2015 submission deadline for the 25th March 2015
>NesCom meeting occurs prior to the date of the March IEEE 802 EC meeting,
>I have pre-submitted the draft PAR to NesCom on the understanding that
>any changes to the draft PAR text resulting from the Plenary review
>process will be promptly communicated to the NesCom Administrator and
>should the IEEE 802.3 Working Group or the IEEE 802 LMSC Executive
>Committee not approve the submission, it will be removed from the NesCom
>Questions about the Study Group can be addressed to the Study Group
>Chair, Mr David Chalupsky.
>IEEE 802.3 Industry Connections Next Generation Ethernet Passive Optical
>Network (NG-EPON) Ad Hoc <Mon afternoon>
>Ad Hoc home page: <>
>This will be the ninth meeting of the IEEE 802.3 Industry Connections
>Next Generation Ethernet Passive Optical Network (NG-EPON) Ad Hoc.  The
>activity has been chartered to generate a report which will detail: (a)
>operators' requirements, (b) technological and economic tradeoffs of
>various approaches to next generation EPON, (c) the state of the art for
>optical subscriber access network technology, and (d) potential solutions
>that merit further consideration. It is expected that the Ad Hoc will be
>seeking Working Group approval of the report at the IEEE 802.3 closing
>plenary of Thursday afternoon.
>Questions about the Ad Hoc can be addressed to the acting Ad Hoc Chair,
>Mr Marek Hajduczenia.
>Project Authorization Requests (PARs)
>In addition to the two PARs are being submitted by IEEE 802.3 as noted
>above, the following are the PARs from other Working Groups for
>consideration at the plenary. Comments on these PARs are due by 18:30 on
>Tuesday so if there is any interest in reviewing an Ad Hoc will have to
>be chartered to generate and submit the comments. Participants are
>invited to discuss any concerns about the below PARs on the IEEE 802.3
>Dialog reflector <stds-802-3-dialog@xxxxxxxx> prior to the plenary
>New Projects:
><unassigned> Recommended Practice for Information technology--
>Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-- Local and
>metropolitan area networks: Privacy considerations for IEEE 802
>IEEE P802c Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview
>and Architecture Amendment: Local MAC Address Usage
>IEEE P802.1Qcj Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks--Bridges
>and Bridged Networks Amendment: Automatic Attachment to Provider Backbone
>Bridging (PBB) services
>IEEE P802.11a? Standard for Information technology--Telecommunications
>and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area
>networks--Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access
>Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications--Amendment:
>Enhancements for Ultra High Throughput in and around the 60 GHz Band
>IEEE P802.15.3e Standard for Information technology--Local and
>metropolitan area networks--Specific requirements--Part 15.3: Wireless
>Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for
>High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) Amendment for high-rate
>close proximity point-to-point communications
>IEEE 802.3 Rules
>At present, there are no proposed rules changes.
>IEEE 802 Tutorials web page: <>
>Session #1, Monday 18:00 to 19:30
>Real-time Ethernet on IEEE 802.3 Networks
>Session #2, Monday 19:30 to 21:00
>Introduction to P802.3bn EPON Protocol over Coax (EPoC)
>Session #3, Monday 21:00 to 22:30
>Expanding User Experiences Presentation