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Re: [802.3_4PPOE] Unbalance margin (yseboodt3)

Hi all,

I copy-pasted the table and forgot to update the name in the second table. Sorry about the confusion.
Attached a new version with correct naming.

Yair - the intention is twofold
a) make appropriate parameters for the 3 requirements
b) create margin between maximum allowed unbalance and what the PSE needs to support
This goes beyond adding a few mA. I've rounded off to the nearest 100mA multiple, but we can also pick something else.

Kind regards,


On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Yair Darshan <YDarshan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Lennart


Thanks for this work.

I saw some issues please see detailed review inside the file attached. The main issues are:

  1. In Table 145-16 you have duplicate names. It is not clear which is IUnbalance-2P.
  2. It will be better to propose numbers for the additional item 5a based on technical consideration. It looks that the end result of this work is to get effective higher Icon-2P_unb margins which, I guess is not the objective of this presentation/baseline. The purpose of this base line is to decouple between the maximum current unbalance current on a pair in PSE and PD that meets current unbalance requirements and the current that the PSE has to be capable to supply over 2-pairs which need to be a minimum value. For this purpose, you need just to specify that:

Icon_pse_capable_2P (or whatever the name is) = Icon-2P_unb+0.002 (I used this concept for ILIM-2P). This will create the gray area required between the two-definition of “max current” and “current capability “ and will resolve the confusion you have raised.

    1. As for the need (or not ) for margins in Icon-2P_unb value, please see darshan_03_0917.pdf that will update these numbers due to other reasons based on analysis and you will get a bit more margins (You saw this during our discussions and we can talk more about it if needed.







From: Lennart Yseboodt [mailto:lennartyseboodt@GMAIL.COM]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 3:57 PM
Subject: [802.3_4PPOE] Unbalance margin (yseboodt3)



Hi all,

Please see the attached baseline for review.

Kind regards,


Attachment: yseboodt_03_0917_unbalancemargin.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document