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All, Please see below. Regards, John D’Ambrosia Chair, IEEE P802.3dj Task Force From: Chad Jones (cmjones) <00000b60b3f54e8d-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> All, please see the 802.3 meeting page: The May meeting and hotel registration is now live. Early registration closes 12 April, after which the fee raises an additional $300. Any questions about registration or hotel are to be directed at the meeting planners, Jennifer and/or Allyson, whose contact info can be found third paragraph from the top on the main registration page. Inquiries directed to me may not be answered in a timely fashion, if at all; do not rely on me to be your personal meeting planner. I’m terrible at it and have awful bedside manners. Regards, Chad Jones Principal Engineer, Cisco Systems Executive Secretary, IEEE 802.3 Working Group Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3 To unsubscribe from the STDS-802-3-DIALOG list, click the following link: To unsubscribe from the STDS-802-3-B400G list, click the following link: |