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[802.3_B400G] Announcement - IEEE P802.3dj Task Force Review D1.5

All - 

Please note that the Task Force Review process is being reviewed with each draft recirculation and may be modified as deemed necessary by the Task Force leadership.  In the interest of full transparency, the leadership wants the Task Force to understand how the Task Force review of D1.5 will proceed.

As a reminder, the Task Force’s adopted timeline assumes proceeding to WG Ballot out of the IEEE 802.3 May 2025 Interim Meeting.  In order for us to make this request, we came out of the March Plenary with a technically complete document.  Any changes made at the May Interim will need to be reviewed with the WG, and we would like to minimize the number of changes that need to be reviewed to ensure WG approval to proceed.

Commenters are encouraged to consider the above when reviewing and submitting comments.  The Task Force is reminded that there will be ample opportunity for further refinement during the WG and SA Ballots.

Please take a moment to review the following-

·       The sixth Task Force Review will start today, Friday, 28 March 2025, and closes on Saturday, 12 April, 2025 AoE.

·       The scope of the review is substantive changes between IEEE P802.3dj D1.4 specification and IEEE P802.3dj D1.5 specification. 

·       For this task force review technical and editorial comments may be submitted formally.  

·       Individuals are reminded to review “IEEE SA Balloting and Comment Resolution Process Guidelines” (

Additionally - 

·       The priority for comments will be determined by the Task Force Leadership and Editorial Team.

·       Individuals wishing to submit editorial comments informally may do so by submitting a marked-up pdf document to mbrown8023@xxxxxxxxx.   Please note that these comments will not be tracked.



Dear Task Force Participants:

This is the announcement of the sixth IEEE P802.3dj Task Force review of IEEE P802.3dj Media Access Control Parameters for 1.6 Tb/s and Physical Layers and Management Parameters for 200 Gb/s, 400 Gb/s, 800 Gb/s, and 1.6 Tb/s Operation.  Instructions for accessing the draft and submitting comments follow this announcement.

This draft is an amendment of IEEE Std 802.3-2022 as amended by IEEE Std 802.3dd-2022, IEEE Std 802.3cs-2022, IEEE Std 802.3db-2022, IEEE Std 802.3ck-2022, IEEE Std 802.3de-2022, IEEE Std 802.3cx-2023, IEEE Std 802.3cz-2023, IEEE Std 802.3cy-2023, IEEE Std 802.3df-2024, and IEEE Std 802.3-2022/Cor 1-2024.

Individuals needing IEEE Std 802.3-2022 or any of the noted amendments should contact David Law, the IEEE 802.3 WG Chair.

IEEE P802.3dj Project Documentation

The following documents are for the IEEE P802.3dj Project:  

·       The Project Authorization Request for this amendment is posted at: 

·       The responses to the Criteria for Standards Design (CSD) for this amendment are posted at:    

·       The Objectives for this amendment are posted at:

·       A list of adopted baselines may be found by reviewing key Task Force motions at:



The scope of the review is substantive changes between IEEE P802.3dj D1.4 specification and IEEE P802.3dj D1.5 specification. 

Please note that a summary of adopted baselines related to the IEEE P802.3dj project may be found by reviewing the list of key Task Force motions, which is noted above.  Commenters are encouraged to review the draft in relation to the adopted baselines for accuracy.

·       REVIEW OPEN:    Fri, 28 March 2025

·       REVIEW CLOSE:   Sat 12 March 2025, 11:59 PM AOE


The draft is posted for Task Force review purposes only, and neither the draft nor access information should be copied or redistributed to others in violation of document copyrights.  

Draft 1.5 may be downloaded from: URL: 

For your convenience, a version of the draft indicating changes made from D1.4 has been created.  

It may be downloaded from: URL:  4

Username: 802.3dj

Password: distributed at meetings – contact Chair

The document is posted in Adobe "pdf" document format and can be downloaded and printed if desired. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, it is available for free downloading from Adobe at:



Acceptable comment types:

T = Technical

E = Editorial (discouraged, any editorial comments that are formally submitted during the Task Force review will be addressed at the discretion of the editorial team).

individuals wishing to submit editorial comments informally may do so by submitting a marked up pdf document to mbrown8023@xxxxxxxxx).  Please note that these comments will not be tracked.

1.    Input your comments to the comment spreadsheet at the URL:  

***  Please use this method, if possible.  It greatly reduces the workload on the editorial team.  Thank you!  ***

If you are not able to use the spreadsheet, you may use one of the following two methods.

A.     Access the comment tool at the URL (last updated 07 September 2015): 

To use the tool, extract all components into a folder and do not move any component from that folder as this will cause the executable to not work correctly. 

The tool is: Comment_Tool_Generic_Solution.exe

B.     Comments may be submitted in text (ASCII) form.  In this scenario, please use the form below. This will make it possible for the editor to properly record and track all submissions. Make as many copies of the template as necessary and submit as an ASCII text file or as part of your e-mail.

PLEASE NOTE: The ASCII method involves a manual transcription; hence you are recommended to check your comments to ensure accurate transcription when the comment file is made available. Please use one of the comment tools above if possible.


CommentID: (Leave Blank)







CommentType: (E, ER, T, or TR)





--------------------end comment template------------------

2. Send your comments to: jdambrosia@xxxxxxxxx , kent.lusted@xxxxxxxxxxxx, and mbrown8023@xxxxxxxxx.   

and paste into the subject line: IEEE P802.3dj 200 Gb/s, 400 Gb/s, 800 Gb/s, and 1.6Tb/s Operation Task Force Review D1.5 comments

This can be done with this link: 



Thank you for your participation in this review of the draft.

John D’Ambrosia, Chair, IEEE P802.3dj Task Force

Email: jdambrosia@xxxxxxxxx 

Mark Nowell, Vice-Chair, IEEE P802.3dj Task Force

Email: mnowell@xxxxxxxxx 

Matt Brown, Chief Editor, IEEE P802.3dj Task Force

Email: mbrown8023@xxxxxxxxx 

Kent Lusted, Recording Secretary, IEEE P802.3dj Task Force

Email: kent.lusted@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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