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[802.3_B400G] Meeting Announcement - IEEE P8802.3dj Task Force Meeting - IEEE 802.3 May 2025 Interim

Dear IEEE P802.3dj Task Force Participants,

The IEEE P802.3dj Task Force will meet face-to-face Tuesday (13 May) through Thursday (15 May) during the IEEE 802.3 May 2025 Interim session (May 12-16) in New Orleans, LA, USA with remote access (provided on best effort basis).  Details regarding meeting and registration may be found at .   Please note that registration and payment of the registration fee is required for all individuals who participate (in-person or virtual participation).  

Any changes made at the May Interim will need to be reviewed with the WG, and we would like to minimize the number of changes that need to be reviewed to ensure WG approval to proceed.

Please note the motion to request progressing IEEE P802.3dj to Working Group Ballot will be made at the IEEE 802.3 WG Meeting in the evening on Thursday, 15 May 2025.  IEEE 802.3 voters are encouraged to make their travel plans accordingly in order to vote on the motion.    

The draft agenda for this meeting will be:

·       The consideration of comments submitted against D1.5 during the 6th Task Force review and preparations for WG Ballot

·       Time will be allocated to the IEEE 802.3 COM Open Source Project Ad hoc

In addition, pending time availability:

·       Preparation / consensus building for WG Ballot

For the IEEE P802.3dj Task Force Session, requests for presentation time shall be made to me at jdambrosia@xxxxxxxxx and cc Kent Lusted at kent.lusted@xxxxxxxxxxxx   and must be made by Thursday 01 May 2025.  Individuals wishing to present are directed to use the following form:   All presentation requests must be submitted via the form above, merely noting a presentation as part of a comment’s suggested remedy is insufficient.

The presenter shall e-mail a PDF, soft-copy version of the presentation to me at jdambrosia@xxxxxxxxx  and cc Kent Lusted at kent.lusted@xxxxxxxxxxxx  by Monday 05 May 2025.  Please be sure to include the related comment #s on the title page to assist the editorial team.  Also, please make sure that page numbers are included in your presentation.

Please note the following –

In addition to addressing comments submitted against D1.5, the agenda will include time to consider topics that are anticipated for discussion during the WG ballot.  In emails to the Task Force Reflector, our Track Chairs have identified the following as potential topics: 

Logic Track

·       ILT protocol validation  (simulation or test data)

·       Delay constraint validation (additional analysis or test data)

·       FLR budgeting revisit for 800GBASE-ER1 (to support universal host)

·       FEC Degrade signaling validation for FEC sublayers (analysis, test data)

Electrical Track

·       COM quantization noise

·       Reference receiver equalizer limits  

·       Max swing and initial ILT setting 

·       DC common mode 

·       Steady State voltage

·       AN/LT timers and timeouts

·       S-param Frequency range

·       Mated fixture ILdd 

·       R_peak values  

·       ERL with reference impedance other than 50 Ohm

·       Jitter  

·       SNR_isi and SNDR

Optical Track

·       Reconciliation of the Cl 185 and clause 187 specification methodologies

·       ETCC validation (test data, script)

·       Overall coherent clauses spec validation (more than just ETCC) – test data

·       Link performance specification methodology updates  

·       TDECQ related

·       Rx performance related 

·       Multi-path Interference (MPI) penalty

·       200G/lane IMDD spec validation – test data

Please review Procedure for Presenters web page: 

Presentations addressing comments submitted against D1.5 should target 10 minutes in duration, excluding time for questions and answers.  Requests for presentation time greater than 10 minutes will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and the requestor should contact the chair prior to making the request to justify the additional time. 


Presentations regarding topics anticipated to be addressed during WG Ballot should target 20 minutes in duration, excluding time for questions and answers.


Furthermore, I encourage individuals to use the Task Force reflector to reach out to others in the spirit of consensus building.  As chair, I reserve the right to introduce individuals making similar topic requests in the continuing spirit of this encouragement.

As a reminder, please make sure that all requests for presentations or submissions of presentation material have no restrictive notices at the bottom of the email.  All such emails will be refused, and requests / presentations will not be acknowledged.  All individuals submitting presentations should review the Procedures for Presenters Page for the respective projects noted above.

I would greatly appreciate presenters reviewing their own presentations to verify that they have followed the cited Presentation Style Guidelines.

To support the web site search tool used by the IEEE P802.3 web site the 'Document Information' fields of the PDF file must be completed as follows:

·       Title: Title of presentation

·       Author: Name(s) of author(s) & affiliation(s)

·       Subject: IEEE P802.3dj Task Force

Presentations that do not have the fields properly filled out will not be accepted.

Regarding Relative Cost Analysis

·       Presentations addressing relative cost analysis may require IEEE Risk management review if individuals do not follow guidelines provided in IEEE SA Anti-trust policy available at   

·       Further information about IEEE 802.3 cost discussion can be found in “Presentation on Cost Discussions to IEEE 802.3 Working Group” (See 

·       Please note that such IEEE Risk management review can take up to ~30 days. Individuals not budgeting sufficient time for review may have presentations scheduled for later meetings to allow these reviews.

As a reminder, all meeting participants should review the following documents prior to participation in an interim meeting teleconference:

·       IEEE SA patent policy

·       IEEE SA Copyright Policy

·       IEEE SA Participation Policy

All of these policies may be found at

Best Regards,

John D’Ambrosia

Chair, IEEE P802.3dj Task Force

Tel:       717.503.4512

Email    jdambrosia@xxxxxxxxx

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