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[802.3_SPMD] comment prep for tomorrow's 802.3da meeting

All –

I have looked over the comments remaining and if we prep and are diligent, we should be able to finish.

To help things go,  I intend to use that to start tomorrow morning, as I have pasted in some of the work done on responses. 

Attached is a spreadsheet, filtered to show what remains.  I plan to run quickly through what we can – if we have consensus, close, and if not, move right on – then go back.


This evening, I plan to work with Jason on a couple of them to provide potential solutions.

We have some that require technical trades – these will be the hardest.  Still waiting for confirmation or an alternative from Stephan & Michael Paul on RL.

We are waiting for some text from Tim on D-PLCA control state diagram

Other than that there are a bunch that could go into wordsmithing.  Let’s work hard to avoid trying to get it perfect.  We must avoid trying to wordsmith perfection – remember, there are probably at least 2 more ballot circulations in Working Group. 



George Zimmerman, Ph.D.

Technical Editor, IEEE P802.3da Task Force


President & Principal

CME Consulting, Inc.

Experts in Advanced PHYsical Communications




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Attachment: IEEE_P802p3da_D2p0_22Jan_prep.xlsx
Description: IEEE_P802p3da_D2p0_22Jan_prep.xlsx