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[802.3_PDCC] Website updated after the Feb 3 meeting

Colleagues, the PDCC website public area has been updated with the agenda and minutes from the meeting today. The private area has been updated with the draft contribution that we worked on in the meeting (Feb 3 version). I continued review of this document and finished my review. This is the document that is posted, so it has more comments and modifications than we made today.


I would encourage you to download the doc and review it, and to make recommended modifications for the Ad Hoc to review in the next meeting. I would suggest that once you download and review the doc that you would “accept all changes”, then make your edits with track changes on, making it easy to see just your suggested edits. Forward your edited document to me before the next meeting so I can share it with the group.





Chad Jones

Technical Leader, Cisco Systems

Chair, IEEE P802.3cv Task Force

Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force

Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3


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