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[802.3_PDCC] Agenda items for 18 September 2024 PDDC meeting

Dear Colleagues,

I have requested the following three agenda items for the 18 September 2024 PDDC meeting:

[1] IEC TC 64/MT 2: Preparation for the 8 - 10 October 2024 meeting
[2] IEC TC 64: Liaison letter in response to document 64/2694/DC Maintenance of IEC 61140:2016 ED4
[3] BS 7671 IET Wiring Regulations: Amendment 4 draft for public consultation (DPC)

In preparation for these items, I've also provided some background and information for each item below.

Thanks, and best regards,


[1] IEC TC 64/MT 2: Preparation for the 8 - 10 October 2024 meeting

IEEE 802.3 requested and was granted, a Category C liaison membership of IEC TC 64/MT 2 due to a proposed maintenance project on IEC 60364-5-52 'Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-52: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Wiring system' that included 'wiring systems for communication network: e.g. PoE for supply and communication' in its list of potential topics. I have set up a new private area for IEC TC 64/MT 2 documents on the PDCC website at <> and uploaded the documents I believe we need to consider in preparation for the 8 - 10 October 2024 IEC TC 64/MT 2 meeting.

[2] IEC TC 64: Liaison letter in response to document 64/2694/DC Maintenance of IEC 61140:2016 ED4

Through our Category C liaison membership, I noted document 64/2694/DC 'Maintenance of IEC 61140:2016 ED4 - Protection against electric shock - Common aspects for installations and equipment' <> which 
says that IEC TC 64 is seeking comments and proposals regarding their revision of IEC 61140. IEC 61140 is a basic safety publication. It says that only SELV and PELV are considered Extra Low Voltage (ELV) 'protective measures'. This isn't aligned with the IEC 62368 series that uses ES1. I propose sending IEC TC 64 a liaison letter (draft attached) asking them if the IEC 61140 revision could be an opportunity to achieve alignment across these IEC standards.

[3] BS 7671 2018+A4 IET Wiring Regulations: Amendment 4 draft for public consultation (DPC)

BS 7671 IET Wiring Regulations draft amendment 4 is out for public consultation, closing on 3 November 2024. Amendment 4 adds a new Section 716, 'Power over Ethernet', based on IEC 60364-7-716. To access the draft, anybody can register for a free account on the BSI Standards Development portal <>. Once an individual has an account, they can access the new Section 716 on page 38 of part 2 of the BS 7671 2018+A4 draft at the URL <>

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Attachment: IEEE_802d3_to_IEC_TC64_0924_draft_D2p0_Redacted.pdf
Description: IEEE_802d3_to_IEC_TC64_0924_draft_D2p0_Redacted.pdf