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Re: [802.3_NGECDC] Proposed Rule Change to CFI Process


Correction to avoid any confusion – the proposed rule change will be considered at the March Plenary.




From: John D'Ambrosia [mailto:jdambrosia@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 10:14 AM
To: STDS-802-3-NGECDC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: STDS-802-3-DIALOG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Proposed Rule Change to CFI Process



At last night’s IEEE 802.3 NEA Ad hoc meeting, the proposed rule change that would allow CFI’s to be heard at interim meetings was brought up.  As promised, here is the URL to the proposed change -


This proposed change will be considered at the March Interim.  If approved, it would go into effect at that meeting.  If approved, I believe, used wisely with an eye on the path to success, it would enable more flexibility into our process that could be beneficial to the industry.


I am at the Interim meeting this week, and would be happy to talk with any individuals about the proposed change, and the associated pro’s / cons.




John D’Ambrosia