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[BP] Today's Channel Ad-hoc Meeting at 10am PDT

Hi Everyone,
I apologize to each of you for my lack of effort this last week ... the day job got in the way :)

What we need to accomplish is two things for today's call:
1. The SMA end-launch.  Without this, we can't get data on the cards.
Also, I have more test cards available with complete sma.  I will be swapping out the three with Agere, Xilinx, Vittesse.  Those then will be available to othere.

2. The SDD21 response.  Both John and Steve have proposed something.  Othere, please do so before 10am PDT.

Given my track record in discussions ... this should about cover the call :).

Joel Goergen wrote:


Everyone that wants to is invited to participate.  Anything decided will not be decided, but 'recommended'.  Please keep that in mind.

Conference ID: 4379020

Dial-in number: 8773262337

International dial-in number: 303-928-3232

Take care
Joel Goergen