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[BP] Reminder: Signaling Ad Hoc Meeting Notice - 9 Sept. 8AM

Dear IEEE 802.3ap Task Force members (Signaling ad hoc),

Just a reminder to all.  There is a signaling ad hoc conf call tommorrow
at 8AM PDT (there will also be a channel ad hoc conf call immediately

The slide material to be discussed is:
- Material from me is the same as for the 2 Sept'04 meeting (we only got
through the agenda slide).
- Material from Charles Moore is on the signaling ad hoc website


> _____________________________________________
> From:         Altmann, Michael W
> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 7:43 PM
> To:
> Subject:      Signaling Ad Hoc Meeting Notice - 9 Sept. 8AM
> Dear IEEE 802.3ap Task Force members (Signaling ad hoc),
> Here is the reminder for next week's supplementary signaling ad hoc
> conference call.  Please review the summary topics from today's mtg
> for context and upcoming agenda.
> The main agenda topics for this mtg will be:
> *     Complete reviewing channel simulation methodology proposals from
> previous ad hoc mtg. (Charles Moore)
> *     Define link model, test points, and test patterns
> *     Define sections of the link model not covered by the channel ad
> hoc
> *     Review NEXT / FEXT considerations (definition of aggressors)
> Next Tuesday I will send out an updated presentation summary of the ad
> hoc work items and the outline for the call.
> Below is the dial-in Info for the call:
> ======================================
> Date: Thursday, September 9, 2004
> Time: 08:00 US Pacific Time
> Lines: 35
> Duration: 2 Hours
> Chairperson: MICHAEL W ALTMANN
> Dial in # 916-356-2663
> Bridge: 2
> Passcode: 1097992
> ======================================
> Regards,
> .../Mike