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[BP] Channel Inclusion

I was one who, during the recent Ottawa meeting, opposed inclusion of certain channels in the "group of 20".  Here are some thoughts on that.
  1. We have "about 20" cases to be in our official evaluation list.  These should be used to carefully stake out the edges of the reasonable problem space.
  2. "Relevant" channels are those that either:
  3. Minor deviations from the channel model should be considered "relevant" and studied.
  4. Major deviations from the channel model usually represent implementations inconsistent with the project objectives and are not "relevant" or "reasonable", but may be "of interest".  Namely, they may have a characteristic that would be interesting to study, but it doesn't mean that they fit the target application.
  5. The channel model we have today is simplistic, but still has value.  Here is why:
  6. Some channels in between require more complex analysis.  This is the false positive / false negative region.  This region may need to allow trading off between the different frequency domain parameters, such as the ANR and Voltage Ratio methods.
  7. I'm disappointed that only one connector is represented in all the channels offered to the group.
  8. Relative to the above points, here are my opinions on certain channels:
  9. I'm supportive of using our methodologies to look at specific "major deviations / inconsistent with objectives" cases for the informative purposes for that backplane maker to see whether he could use our standardized ICs.  But I am unsupportive of perpetuating those types of design practices by changing the objectives of this project.
org:Xilinx;Communication Technology Division
title:Director, Business Management
adr;quoted-printable:;;7901 Xerxes Avenue South=0D=0ASuite 316;Minneapolis;MN;55431;USA
fn:Brian Seemann