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[BP] Channel Model Ad Hoc Meeting

Channel Model Ad Hoc participants,


Per the schedule discussed at the November plenary, the next meeting of the channel model ad hoc is scheduled for next Friday, December 10.  Due to an unforeseen conflict, it will be exceedingly difficult for me to host, and moderate, this teleconference.  Therefore, I propose that this call be moved to the following Wednesday, December 15 at 10am PST (1pm EST).


I request that if you have strong objective to this schedule change, please send me an e-mail.  If I do not see overwhelming objection by next Tuesday (12/7), I will make the schedule change.


Per the discussions at the plenary meeting, the purpose of this call will be to review the frequency-domain specification methodology introduced at the past meeting.  I propose that this be considered in three sections:


  1. Channel SDD21 mask proposal per
  2. MDNEXT, MDFEXT, and ACR mask proposals per
  3. Discussion of channel return loss specifications


If you would like to see additional business addressed during the call, please send me a request.


Thank you,
