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[BP] REMINDER: Comment and presentation deadline and meeting schedule

IEEE P802.3ap Task Force Members,


This is a reminder that comments on IEEE P802.3ap Draft 1.0 are due midnight EDT, Wednesday July 13.  To submit comments, please refer to the instructions in the earlier posting:


Please note that, due to significant clause re-ordering, the comment generation tool has been updated.  If you have already generated comments with the older tool, there is no need to input those comments again with the newer tool.  The older tool may still be used, but in some cases the clause number will need to be manually entered, as the drop down menu does not contain the correct clause ordering.  The new version of the tool corrects the drop down menu.


Please recall that changes made to Draft 1.0 during the July plenary week will be reviewed during the 802.3 Working Group closing plenary prior to the request to advance to Working Group ballot.  Therefore, the editor will be required to make any changes during the plenary meeting week.  It is strongly encouraged that commenters provide a detailed description of the issue that they have discovered, and a detailed suggested remedy that takes the form of a specific editorial action or set of actions whenever possible.


In addition, requests for presentation time at the IEEE P802.3ap Task Force meeting must be submitted to me by midnight EDT, Wednesday July 13.  The agenda will prioritize presentations that are in support of comments submitted against Draft 1.0.  Other presentations may be accommodated on a time-availability basis.


As mentioned earlier, in order to allocate an appropriate amount of time so that the editor may make changes related to the resolution of comments against the draft, the Task Force schedule will be as follows:


Monday, July 18


IEEE 802.3 Opening Plenary

* IEEE P802.3ap Task Force members are encouraged to attend the opening plenary to hear the status report on IEEE P802.3ap and other projects.  Also, potential voters will have the opportunity to acquire voting rights at the beginning of this meeting.


Tuesday, July 19

8:30am to 5:30pm

IEEE P802.3ap Task Force Meeting


Wednesday, July 20

8:30am to 5:30pm

IEEE P802.3ap Task Force Meeting


Thursday, July 21


IEEE 802.3 Closing Plenary

* Again, potential voters will have the opportunity to acquire voting rights at the beginning of this meeting.  It is strongly encouraged that IEEE P802.3ap Task Force members attend the closing plenary.  While the Task Force may request that the document be forwarded to WG ballot, it is the IEEE 802.3 working group that decides whether or not it will proceed.  If you are an 802.3 voter and you are interested in seeing this project continue to the next phase of development, it is critical that you attend this meeting and participate in the vote.  Typically, IEEE P802.3ap related business occurs around the mid-point of the agenda, but some discussions can run long and you should plan to stay for the entirety of the meeting, if possible (5 pm or later).


Note that there will be no Thursday morning session for IEEE P802.3ap (time allocated for last minute document updates).


Thank you,


Adam Healey

Chair, IEEE P802.3ap Task Force