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[BP] FINAL REMINDER: IEEE P802.3ap February interim

Title: FINAL REMINDER: IEEE P802.3ap February interim


My apologies for the repeated reminders, but the room block is not filling in as quickly as we would like it to be.

Please be advised that the hotel has agreed to accept reservations until 5pm PST on Friday January 20. We have been advised that if anyone wanting to reserve a room at our group rate is unable to reach someone in reservations or if for any reason the reservationsist cannot find the block, they should e-mail the reservation to him, Jesus Lopez <>.

Jesus will enter all reservations for our group with e-mail time stamps of January 20 or before, but will make no exceptions after that date.

Please e-mail Jesus today to reserve a room.  Remember that you can cancel up to 48 hours prior to scheduled arrival.  After the cut-off date/time, the preferred rate will no longer be honored and you may have to suffer with a much less favorable rate.

For complete information related to this week's meeting, please refer to the following link:

The amount of time we will need to complete our business on Friday is quite difficult to predict, so please plan on working through 5 pm on Friday.

Thank you for you attention to this matter.
