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[802.3_25GSMF] Preview draft P802.3cc D0.1 is available for review


This message is to announce that a preview draft of 802.3cc is available at the private area of the cc web page.


I will show the 802.3cc specific password for access at our ad hoc meeting next week on July 20th, and again at our task force meeting in San Diego on July 26th.  For now you can access the private area using the 802.3 credentials.  If someone is an 802.3 voter and does not know those credentials please contact me and I will find a way to get you in.


Please review the preview draft and send any comments or concerns back to our editor, Kohichi Tamura, or to myself.  The intent is not for this to be a formal comment period but to catch any obvious problems before we ask Kohichi to prepare a D1.0 for our first task force review.



David Lewis

P802.3cc Task Force Chair