On Feb 27, 2017, at 6:46 AM, Robert Wilton <rwilton@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Minor update to the presentation based on feedback from one of the IETF area directors:
Renamed slides from "RMON 2" to "RMON MIB" to avoid any possible confusion with the RMON 2 MIB!
I added a background slide explaining the purpose for clause 30.
Hopefully we can agree the slides in today's meeting so that I can get them sent to IETF.
On 10/02/2017 17:55, Robert Wilton wrote:
I hope to send the following email to the IETF NETMOD and CCAMP chairs next week.
If you have any comments please can you either email them to me, or we can discuss them in Monday's Ad hoc if necessary.