Re: [802.3_YANG] Proposed email to IETF NETMOD and CCAMP WG chairs
Hi all,
Yes, I am connecting...but really slow....
Best Regards,
发件人: Robert Wilton [mailto:rwilton@xxxxxxxxx]
发送时间: 2017年2月27日 23:02
收件人: STDS-802-3-YANG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: Re: [802.3_YANG] Proposed email to IETF NETMOD and CCAMP WG chairs
Hi Mahesh,
Yes, I think so.
On 27/02/2017 14:50, Mahesh Jethanandani wrote:
> Is there a call scheduled for today? If so, can someone forward the details. Thanks.
>> On Feb 27, 2017, at 6:46 AM, Robert Wilton <rwilton@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Minor update to the presentation based on feedback from one of the IETF area directors:
>> Renamed slides from "RMON 2" to "RMON MIB" to avoid any possible confusion with the RMON 2 MIB!
>> I added a background slide explaining the purpose for clause 30.
>> Hopefully we can agree the slides in today's meeting so that I can get them sent to IETF.
>> Thanks,
>> Rob
>> On 10/02/2017 17:55, Robert Wilton wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I hope to send the following email to the IETF NETMOD and CCAMP chairs next week.
>>> If you have any comments please can you either email them to me, or we can discuss them in Monday's Ad hoc if necessary.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rob
>> <wilton_8023cf_ethernet_interface_statistics_3.pptx>
> Mahesh Jethanandani
> mjethanandani@xxxxxxxxx
> .