YANGsters Weekly Telephone Conference Date/Time: 2020-06-23 (week 26) 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. (Eastern Time) Participants:- Stephan Kehrer (Hirschmann Automation and Control, Inc.)
- Johannes Specht (University of Duisburg-Essen)
- Don Fedyk (LabN Consulting)
- Mark Ellison
- Paul Congdon (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd)
Topics:- At the beginning of the meeting the acting YANGsters Chair presented:
- Agenda bash
- Update on Hot Issues
- Active
- MAC Address Format
- Semantics of read-write in YANG
- Press Release Discussion
- IEEE P802f Update
- YANG Revision Update
- Use of Git workflow document created
- Status of meta-data in YANG Catalog
- New Issues
- Splitting functionality out of EVB to support
- The topic was brought up during the last maintenance meeting and is intended for discussion during next week’s maintenance call
- TODO: inform Paul Bottorf that he has an agenda item during next week’s call
- Continue Maintenance/Guidelines Discussion
- See: http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2019/maint-specht-yang-comments-0919-v01.pdf
- Continued with item 13:
- This item is somewhat related to items 11 and 12.
- The enumeration in the YANG file for leaf status is missing normative references. Additionally it contains numerals in the enumeration that are of a dynamic nature (e.g. learned) but the database is a static, permanent database.
- Suggested remedy: either remove the node or at least provide normative references and remove the numerals that do not have a reference in the core standard. This needs to be verified with the editor of IEEE Std 802.1Qcp, Marc Holness.
- Johannes will compile a list of items that need to be discussed with Marc Holness. This will allow to provide Marc Holness with one comprehensive list instead of getting request for his opinion bit by bit.
- Item 14:
- Clause 8.8.1 of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018 allows for wildcard cases (items a)3) through a)5).
- The leaf address in the YANG bridge module currently does not allow for wildcard characters and so cannot satisfy those items.
- Suggested remedy: change the leaf to a choice out of either type “MAC address” or choices for the other cases in clause 8.8.1 a).
- This needs to be verified with the editor of IEEE Std 802.1Qcp, Marc Holness.
- Any Other Business
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