Dear Colleagues,
I am currently working through the proposed topics for the 4 May electrical ad hoc meeting and I wish to remind participants that I anticipate several straw polls. The straw polls are directional only and intended to help me, as your electrical track
chair, determine where there is consensus (or not) and what are the next steps to help the group move forward towards baseline proposal adoption in the coming months.
Reminder: As an ad hoc, no decisions (i.e. motions) will be made but it is possible to conduct straw polls to test the group’s consensus on certain topics. Anyone on the call that feels qualified may vote on a straw poll. The Task Force chair may request
a straw poll by 802.3 voters for informative purposes.
Lastly, I want to remind all teleconference meeting participants to review the following documents prior to participation in an IEEE 802.3 meeting teleconference:
- IEEE SA patent policy
- IEEE SA Copyright Policy
- IEEE SA Participation Policy including the IEEE Code of Conduct
With regards,