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[802.3_25GAUTO_POF] Reliability calculations

Thank you, Ruben, for the reference.

(Slide 23, perezaranda_3dh_01_2209_vcsels.pdf)
The expression for ppm failure does not apply to a lognormal distribution. 

The expression for lambda(t), otherwise known as the hazard rate, is fine. Two things to note regarding the calculation of hazard rate:
a)	The cumulative failure plot shown in giovane_3cz_01_080621.pdf shows experimental measurements in accelerated tests on a heterogenous population of VCSELs. 
When extrapolated to very short times, it will overstate the hazard rate because the value of sigma does not hold.
b)	The hazard rate is a function of temperature, and should be de-rated by the percent time spent at each temperature according to the automotive mission profile.

These and other observations will be explained in a presentation slated for Oct. 19.


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