[EFM] Bug in definition of OAMDiscoveryState values (Annex 30B)
Dear EFMers,
It seems to me that there is a missing enumerated value in the definition of
OAMDiscoveryState in Annex 30B on page 193 of draft 3.3. There are only 5
states listed in that definition, with the value for "send local remote OK"
missing. In (page 49), aOAMDiscoveryState is shown with all 6
values (agreeing with the definition in clause 57, figure 57-5 on page 231).
If you agree with me, and as this is now an approved standard, could this be
added to the list of maintenance items please?
The consequence of this bug is that you can't tell that an implementation
has moved to the "send local remote OK" state. I don't know what value an
implmentation of D3.3 should send when in "send local remote OK".
-- John
John Messenger (JMessenger@advaoptical.com)
R&D Manager, Software
ADVA Optical Networking Ltd.