[STDS-802-3-EPOC] updated links and files on P802.3bn web page
Dear IEEE P802.3bn Task Force participants,
1. File remein_3bn_01_0313.pdf "Channel Model ad hoc report" will no longer create a 404 error on access and it is now in all_files.zip
2. Also, there is a now a link to the supporting zip'd MS word file for Andrea Garavaglia's and Patrick Stupar's presentation "Summary Presentation for TDD MPCP Enhancements". This file is in the private area and is not included in all_files.zip.
3. The unconfirmed minutes from the January 13th meeting is also in all_files.zip.
4. The MMP ad hoc open report is now available as "rahman_saif_3bn_02_0313.pdf"
Here are the individual links (rather than downloading the entire all_files.zip).
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