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RE: IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1b) Ethernet SMIv2 Data Model Definitions (revision) Standards Association ballot 'Chair's standard offer'

Dear Task Force Participants,


This is a 2nd friendly reminder about the open initial Standards Association ballot on IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1b) Ethernet SMIv2 Data Model Definitions (revision)/D3.0. We’re still short on ballots at this time, so if you did sign up for the ballot group, your attention would be really appreciated.



Best Regards,

Marek Hajduczenia

Chair, IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1b) Ethernet SMIv2 Data Model Definitions (revision) Task Force


From: Marek Hajduczenia <mxhajduczenia@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2024 2:05 PM
To: 'STDS-802-3-MAINT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <STDS-802-3-MAINT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; 'STDS-802-3-MAINT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <STDS-802-3-MAINT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: 'Adam Healey <adam.healey@xxxxxxxxxxxx>' <adam.healey@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; 'Jon Lewis <jon.lewis@xxxxxxxx>' <Jon.Lewis@xxxxxxxx>; 'Law, David' <dlaw@xxxxxxx>
Subject: IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1b) Ethernet SMIv2 Data Model Definitions (revision) Standards Association ballot 'Chair's standard offer'


Dear Task Force Participants,


The initial Standards Association ballot opened on IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1b) Ethernet SMIv2 Data Model Definitions (revision)/D3.0 with a ballot close date of Sunday 28th July 2024 23:59 AOE. If you are a member of the IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1b) Ethernet SMIv2 Data Model Definitions (revision) Standards Association ballot group please access the ballot at < >.


If you did not join the Standards Association ballot group but still would like to comment on the draft, it will save the task force officers significant effort if you would send your comments to the TF Chair Marek Hajduczenia (marek.hajduczenia@xxxxxxxxxxx) and TF Editor Jon Lewis (jon.lewis@xxxxxxxx) for inclusion in the ballot by Friday 26th July 2024 AOE. Such comments will be identified in the comment field as coming from you, and like all comments from outside the ballot group will be non-binding. A web page containing the instructions on how to do this and the spreadsheet that you will need to use to enter your comments is available at < >.


Here is the link to “IEEE SA guidelines for commenting on draft standards in Standards Association ballot (Balloters)”:


Best Regards,

Marek Hajduczenia

Chair, IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1b) Ethernet SMIv2 Data Model Definitions (revision) Task Force

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