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[8023-POEP] Comments



Politically correct - We are fast approaching the September interim meeting.  We have an outstanding draft and your comments are critical to a meaningful review of the document.  For your comments to be fairly evaluated, you need to submit them in a timely manner so that Chad can process them and get the circulated for peer review.   Please make every effort to review the draft, generate your comments and send them on or before Monday September 3.


Blunt – Honestly, you will never really have time set aside to read any spec, much less this one, you will have to just make it happen.  Do it now instead of just prior to the meeting.  If you do the usual and wait, no one will even know you generated comments, because frankly they don’t have time set aside to read your comments either and when the comments show up the night before the meeting all your peers will be generating their own comments.  But, if you bite the bullet now and generate comments, then maybe, just maybe someone will look at them on the flight over to the meeting and that person will pile on to what you have submitted and you’ll get what you want.  Of course, you have to actually generate the comments, so do it now.  Oh and your spouse has plans for this weekend, so whatever lame idea you may have about getting around to it over the long weekend won’t work either, do it now.







Michael McCormack

Business Development Manager, Power over Ethernet Products
Texas Instruments, Power Interface Products
50 Phillippe Cote St.
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