Re: it's time for another poll
My votes are below (I added some 'no opinion options).
1) Should we accommodate crossover cables, i.e. take either polarity of
power? (more cost in the PD)
yes__X___ no_____
2) Should we require having a non-linear component in series with the
signature resistor for discovery?
yes_____ no_____ no opinion__X__
3) Should we pick one and only one pair at this time to send power?
yes_____ no__X___
If yes, then pick one: 1236_____ 4578_____
---> 4) is two questions is one so I have split them out:
4) Should we specify power for both pairs,
yes__X___ no_____
with the second pair being
optional for higher power?
yes_____ no__X___
---> 5) does not make any sence since I voted No on 3)
5) Should we leave open the possibility of using the second pair for power
in the future?
yes_____ no_____
6) If we were to allow power on both pairs,
should we make discovery on each pair independent of the power on the other
yes_____ no_____ no opinion __X__