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Re: [RE] AdHoc meeting this Monday

Richard, this was an informal working session rather than a formal meeting.

In any case, the activities focused around refining a list of requirements for isochronous transport on 802.3 RE.   The net result of this was the revised list that I posted on the reflector.  I've attached a copy in case you didn't receive that.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


Richard Brand wrote:
Unfortunately I was in transit from Europe yesterday and therefore unable to attend.  Did someone take notes and are they available?

Jim Battaglia wrote:

Hello all,

You are cordially invited to join us for an impromptu meeting to discuss the arguments in favor of isochronous capabilities for 802.3 RE.  The meeting will be held at Pioneer Corporation at 1pm PDT this Monday (10/25/04)

All are welcome.  Hope you can be there.

Jim Battaglia
Digital Entertainment Networking
Pioneer Research Center USA, Inc.
101 Metro Drive, Suite 264
San Jose, CA 95110-1343

v-card Jim Battaglia
Digital Entertainment Networking
Pioneer Research Center USA, Inc.
101 Metro Drive, Suite 264
San Jose, CA 95110-1343

RE Isochronous Requirements.rtf