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Re: [802-LMSC] Request for fee waivers

Having all the fee waivers together makes it easier to track for deadbeat processing.
If the Meeting Planners do not know of a waiver, they may send notice that does not need to go.
David Law had a great format, that one one page would have all three types of waivers.
Having it in the James (LMSC Chair) deck makes it easier to track.

Jon Rosdahl                                           Engineer, Senior Staff
IEEE 802 LMSC Executive Secretary  Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
office: 801-492-4023                             10871 North 5750 West
cell:   801-376-6435                               Highland, UT 84003 USA

A Job is only necessary to eat!
A Family is necessary to be happy!!

On Thu, Jan 30, 2025 at 5:03 AM John D'Ambrosia <jdambrosia@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Please clarify if you need to provide waiver for helping with agenda


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 30, 2025, at 4:19 AM, James P. K. Gilb <00002e97ee634fdf-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Edward
> You can consider him as a technical expert and so you can allow electronic participation.  If he attends in-person, then we would need a fee waiver.
> From 5. IEEE 802 LMSC sessions in the IEEE 802 LMSC Operations manual:
> "The Working Group Chair may designate specific individual experts who are allowed to
> participate in Working Group discussions via electronic means during an in-person meeting for
> the benefit of the group. These individuals are not considered to be attending the meeting and so
> they are not required to pay meeting fees and they do not get participation credit. The
> participation of these individuals should be limited to specific technical topics. Such participation
> shall be documented in the minutes of the Working Group meeting."
> and in section 1:
> "Unless otherwise stated, the term Working Group indicates both IEEE 802 LMSC Working
> Groups as well as IEEE 802 LMSC Technical Advisory Groups."
> You are the TAG chair so you can allow his participation.
> --
> James Gilb
> IEEE 802 LMSC Chair
> Jan 29, 2025, 8:39 AM by
>> Dear James,
>> For IEEE 802.18, I will have Mr. Yan Losier (A/Director, Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch, Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada / Government of Canada) deliver an invited presentation at the opening meeting (Tuesday AM2) .  If I may, I will consider Mr. Losier as a designated expert for a fee waiver, and his attendance is limited to Tuesday AM2 in which the respective presentation is scheduled.
>> Please kindly advise.
>> Regards,
>> Edward
>>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 10:51 AM James P. K. Gilb <> 00002e97ee634fdf-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > wrote:
>>> All
>>> I have received updates from a couple of the people on the list.
>>> I am going to be asking for fee waivers for only 2 people then.
>>> Robby Robson
>>> Sarah Womer
>>> --
>>> James Gilb
>>> IEEE 802 LMSC Chair
>>> Jan 29, 2025, 12:04 AM by >> gilb_ieee@xxxxxxxx>> :
>>>> All
>>>> On the February call, i am going to ask for approval for fee waivers for the following individuals for the March Plenary meeting:
>>>> Robby Robson
>>>> Sarah Womer
>>>> Kent Lusted
>>>> Josh Gay
>>>> They are going to be presenting a tutorial on IEEE SA Open Source.
>>>> --
>>>> James Gilb
>>>> IEEE 802 LMSC Chair
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