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Re: [802-LMSC] 802.15.4-2024 Corrigendum PAR Submission for LMSC Approval


At the beginning of the week James goes over everything with all of the chairs – you already get the preview here.


Reading through the thread the only justification I saw was that Clint thought it would save time for the closing.  However, the opening is already busy on a regular basis, and I would not be a fan of opening up this new precedent, which would surely get used again.


Therefore, if it is moved to the opening meeting consent agenda, I will request that it be pulled from the consent agenda.


My $0.02






From: ** IEEE 802 LAN-MAN Standards Committee ** <STDS-802-LMSC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of George Zimmerman
Sent: Wednesday, February 5, 2025 10:25 PM
To: STDS-802-LMSC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802-LMSC] 802.15.4-2024 Corrigendum PAR Submission for LMSC Approval


Clint – It’s James’ call, but I think if it is on the consent agenda at the opening, you’ll get a preview of any issues so you can work them during the week.  If it is pulled off the consent agenda, it is either quick or is going to take work.  If it is quick, no problem.  If it is going to take work, just pull the item and get the concern from whoever raised it so that you can work it during the week.  Either way, you save the LMSC time in my opinion.  Anything controversial gets worked offline. 

As far as the minutes and where to find them are concerned, I suspect we can figure out how to work that.  There are only 2 places to check…


George Zimmerman, Ph.D.

President & Principal

CME Consulting, Inc.

Experts in Advanced PHYsical Communications




From: ** IEEE 802 LAN-MAN Standards Committee ** <STDS-802-LMSC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Clint Powell
Sent: Wednesday, February 5, 2025 6:46 PM
To: STDS-802-LMSC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802-LMSC] 802.15.4-2024 Corrigendum PAR Submission for LMSC Approval



Thank you - fair point. I was really not expecting this much concern, but I can follow now where people may be coming from. I was just trying to lighten up the load for closing but if it looks like it could clog up the opening then not an issue.


Let's just plan for it being in the closing on the Consent Agenda and go from there.


Clint Powell
Managing Director - Wireless IoT Standardization, PWC LLC
IEEE 802.15 WG Chair & 802 LMSC Executive Committee
Mobile/WhatsApp: 480 586-8457
Email: cpowell@xxxxxxxx
Skype: clintonpowell


On Wed, Feb 5, 2025 at 6:37 PM, Jon Rosdahl

I would advocate for keeping all the PAR approvals for the week on Friday.

Make finding them in the minutes easier, and more organized.

If there was a compelling reason, then address the special case.


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On Feb 5, 2025, at 3:55PM, George Zimmerman <george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I forwarded James our discussion on the issue under separate cover. I don't see anything that precludes it in the rules and the expedited process does allow approval at "any other meeting".  I would suggest that if it can be done on the consent agenda, and there is no compelling reason to do it earlier, then just avoid the surprised looks from people and short circuit the explanation and do it at the closing.


George Zimmerman, Ph.D.

President & Principal

CME Consulting, Inc.

Experts in Advanced PHYsical Communications




On Feb 5, 2025, at 2:40PM, Clint Powell <cpowell@xxxxxxxx> wrote:


Since it did not seem to be specifically precluded and since it is a Corrigendum PAR - really not much to review or to be contentious about, I thought it would be easier if we just took care of it earlier in the week.


The Closing Consent Agenda works just as well, and I leave that decision up to you as it is the chair's prerogative.




On Wed, Feb 5, 2025 at 3:20 PM, James P. K. Gilb


Traditionally we have approved PARs only at the closing meeting of a plenary session.

I don't think there is a specific rule for PARs on the expedited process.

is there a reason to put it on the opening agenda and not the closing agenda?
James Gilb
IEEE 802 LMSC Chair

Feb 5, 2025, 2:15 PM by cpowell@xxxxxxxx:

> Beth,
> Thank you for the confirmation. 
> After further consideration, reviewing the rules more and getting clarification from George I'd like to move this to be considered for Approval to Forward to NesCom as part of the Consent Agenda at the Opening LMSC Session in Atlanta.
> I will send the formal motion along with mover, seconder, and work group vote count within the next few days.
> Thanks & BR,
> Clint
> Clint Powell
> Managing Director - Wireless IoT Standardization, PWC LLC
> IEEE 802.15 WG Chair & 802 LMSC Executive Committee
> Mobile/WhatsApp: 480 586-8457
> Email: cpowell@xxxxxxxx
> Skype: clintonpowell
>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2025 at 1:02 PM, Elizabeth Kochuparambil
>> <bethk@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Clint -
>> Thank you for sending this out.  I have noted this PAR for the March Meeting.
>> ~Beth
>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 8:39PM Clint Powell <>> cpowell@xxxxxxxx>> > wrote:
>>> All,
>>> Let this email serve as notice that the 802.15 WG will be requesting LMSC approval of the 802.15.4-2024 Corrigendum PAR at the closing IEEE 802 LMSC meeting, on Fri., March 14, in Atlanta. This request is per the Expedited Review process rules for the IEEE 802 LMSC approval of a PAR, as described in the IEEE 802 LMSC OM.
>>> The PAR being submitted for approval can be found at>>> : >>>
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Clint
>>> Clint Powell
>>> Managing Director – Wireless IoT Standardization, PWC LLC
>>> IEEE 802.15 WG Chair & IEEE 802 LMSC
>>> IEEE 802.15 TG4ab (NG-UWB) - Vice Chair
>>> IEEE 802.15 TG14 (UWB-AHN) - Chair (acting)
>>> CSA IEEE 802.15.4 PHY/MAC Advisory Group - Chair
>>> CSA Aliro CSG Certification Policy & Procedure - Tiger Team Lead
>>> Mobile/WhatsApp:>>>  480 586-8457    >>> Email:>>>  >>> cpowell@xxxxxxxx
>>> Skype:>>clintonpowell
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