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[802-LMSC] WG15 Agenda Items for March LMSC Closing


Below is an update to the requested agenda items from WG15 for the March LMSC Closing.

Two Consent Agenda items are being requested.

To NesCom:

WG15 Consent Agenda Item 1 (ME)

Assignee: Clint Powell

Item: Motion to approve P802.15.4-2024 Corrigendum PAR


To RevCom:

WG15 Consent Agenda Item 2 (ME)

Assignee: Clint Powell

Item: Motion to approve P802.16t to RevCom


A package of the WG15 Motions for the March LMSC Closing can be found at:


Best Regards,

Clint Powell

Managing Director – Wireless IoT Standardization, PWC LLC

IEEE 802.15 WG Chair & IEEE 802 LMSC


IEEE 802.15 TG4ab (NG-UWB) - Vice Chair

IEEE 802.15 TG14 (UWB-AHN) - Chair (acting)

CSA IEEE 802.15.4 PHY/MAC Advisory Group - Chair

CSA Aliro CSG Certification Policy & Procedure - Tiger Team Lead

Mobile/WhatsApp: 480 586-8457    Email: cpowell@xxxxxxxx

Skype: clintonpowell


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