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Below is an update to the requested agenda items from WG15 for the March LMSC Closing.
Two Consent Agenda items are being requested.
To NesCom:
WG15 Consent Agenda Item 1 (ME)
Assignee: Clint Powell
Item: Motion to approve P802.15.4-2024 Corrigendum PAR
To RevCom:
WG15 Consent Agenda Item 2 (ME)
Assignee: Clint Powell
Item: Motion to approve P802.16t to RevCom
A package of the WG15 Motions for the March LMSC Closing can be found at:
Clint Powell
Managing Director – Wireless IoT Standardization, PWC LLC
IEEE 802.15 WG Chair & IEEE 802 LMSC
IEEE 802.15 TG4ab (NG-UWB) - Vice Chair
IEEE 802.15 TG14 (UWB-AHN) - Chair (acting)
CSA IEEE 802.15.4 PHY/MAC Advisory Group - Chair
CSA Aliro CSG Certification Policy & Procedure - Tiger Team Lead
Mobile/WhatsApp: 480 586-8457 Email: cpowell@xxxxxxxx
Skype: clintonpowell
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