[802-LMSC] IEEE P802.3-2022/Cor 2 (IEEE 802.3dr) Multi-Gigabit Optical Automotive Ethernet Transmitter Distortion Figure Of Merit
Dear IEEE 802 LMSC members,
In support of subclause 9.2 'IEEE 802 LMSC Approval' of the LMSC Operations Manual, please find the required information regarding the IEEE P802.3-2022/Cor 2 (IEEE 802.3dr) Multi-Gigabit Optical Automotive Ethernet Transmitter Distortion Figure Of Merit for consideration at the March 2025 plenary using the expedited review process (48-hour rule).
Best regards,
[1] Draft PAR and CSD responses:
Draft PAR: <https://mentor.ieee.org/802-ec/dcn/25/ec-25-0065-00-LMSC-ieee-p802-3-2022-cor-2-draft-par.pdf>
CSD responses: Not required.
[2] Explanatory technical background material:
The normalization factors in Table 166-16 are intended to yield Transmitter Distortion Figure of Merit (TDFOM) equal to 0 dB in Equation (166-16) for an ideal transmitter. However, the current values of the normalization factors in Table 166-16 do not achieve this result and need to be corrected.
[3] Status of the development of the PAR:
The draft PAR is pending IEEE 802.3 Working Group approval at the March 2025 IEEE 802.3 closing plenary meeting.
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