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Re: FW: [LinkSec] Requirements


This is simply not true!

Secure Data Exchange (SDE) (802.10b) can be either station-to-station or 
station-to-bridge or bridge-to-bridge.  In fact, Annex 3A (which is part of 
the key management document (802.10c)), specifies the probe frames that are 
used to locate a remote SDE entity.  These are needed when the destination 
address is not the same as the decryptor address.


  At 10:15 AM 12/12/2002 -0800, Mick Seaman wrote:
>That sounds trite, but isn't. What I mean to say (and this is the bridge
>point again) that if part of the newtork is believed physically secured and
>frames are transmiteed in the clear, then 802.10 does not support
>encrypt/decrypt/protect etc. by the intervening bridges to carry the traffic
>over part of the network deemed exposed. Setting up a tunnel for the frames
>is really nnot a solution here.