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[LinkSec] Presentation submission instructions and deadline

Dear SG members,

Please note that the deadline for submission of presentations for the first
SG meeting is next Monday, December 30th at midnight PST.

Please send your presentation in pdf format by email to the following three

Dolors Sala at
Dan Romascanu at
Allyn Romanow at

To avoid large files, please use simple templates avoiding unnecessary
graphics, complex backgrounds and company logos.

To help us build the agenda please indicate in your email 1) Name of the
presenter; 2) amount of time requested for the presentation; 3) a short
description of the presentation.

Based on the conference calls discussion, contributions on scope,
requirements, architecture models, and discussion material on PAR and 5
criteria and placement of the group will be given priority. But all
contributions related to the charter of the study group are encouraged. See
below for a longer list of topics of interest and the SG home page at for more information.

Note that the last call before the meeting is on Jan 2nd at 2:00pm EST for
discussion of meeting agenda. Submitted material will be posted on the home
page before the call. Call in details are the same as always (see home

Thanks for your participation,

Dolors Sala
Chair, IEEE 802 Link Security ECSG


> The agenda for the meeting is to work on the charter of the SG:
>     1. Evaluate link security architecture issues with the objective
>     of identifying the broader scope that can be common to
>     all MAC solutions
>     2. Develop a PAR and 5 Criteria for a new standard for
>     link security that can be applied to IEEE 802 networks,
>     and in particular to 802.3 networks
>     3. Make a recommendation on the placement of the
>     project within IEEE 802 and/or existing working groups
> Contributions on the following topics are encouraged:
> 1. General Requirements
>     - Target scenarios
>     - General definition of security for 802 networks
>     - Backwards compatibility requirements
>     - Summary of 802.10, 802.11, 802.15, 802.16 Requirements
> 2. Threat model
>     - Proposed Ethernet Threat model
>     - Summary of 802.10, 802.11, 802.15, 802.16 Threat model
> 3. General framework
>     - Security architecture proposals
>     - Evaluation studies of existing security architectures
>     - Layer model Proposals
>     - Proposals of MAC independent functionality
> 4. MAC specific
>     - Proposals for ethernet dependent functionality
> 5. PAR and 5 Criteria