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[LinkSec] Meeting announcement and call for contributions

Dear SG members,
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday through Wednesday March 10-12, 2003 in Dallas during the IEEE802 plenary week. For more information on registration and hotel reservation see the IEEE plenary meeting announcement home page ( Meeting pre-registration fee is $300 on or before February 21, 2003. Late or on-site registration is $350. Hotel reservation deadline for group rate is Friday February 20, 2003.
The schedule of the meeting is:
Monday 8.30am-10.30am     Link Security ECSG
Monday 1.00pm-3.00pm       802.1 WG Plenary
Monday 3.30pm-5.00pm       Link Security ECSG
Monday 6:30pm-9:30pm       LinkSec Tutorials on Bridging, EPON, Security
Tuesday 8:30am-6:00pm       Link Security ECSG
Wednesday 8:30am-6:00pm   Link Security ECSG
Contributions deadline: Monday March 3rd, 2003.
Note that we start early on Monday (first session slot) to maximize the participation of members from several WGs. (Few WGs schedule meetings at this time since this session is scheduled for the SEC meeting.) Also, note that we are already scheduling the meetings with 802.1 since we will be part of this WG very soon and participation of their members is very high. Hence, we will try to avoid overlaps with 802.1 meetings and have as many join sessions as the work load of the two groups permits. In addition, and as always, we will have at least one common session with the EPON task force. More concrete schedule for Tuesday and Wednesday will be posted after the contribution deadline.
The agenda for this meeting is to educate each other on the three areas related to this project (e.g EPON, bridging, security), converge on scope, scenarios and objectives and make progress on the work plan including architecture model, and partitioning and PAR definition. See work plan at
Contributions and material related to these and related topics are requested. Please remember when you prepare your material that we have three different communities with different backgrounds participating in this effort. Therefore, to give the background explaining the reasoning of your recommendations is very important at this stage if we want to maintain lively discussion and high level of participation from all participants, and in turn make progress as a group.
In order to help on the schedule, please submit your contributions by Monday March 3rd, 2003 no later than midnight PST. To submit your contribution please send it by email in pdf format to, dromasca@avaya,com, and In your email please indicate title of the presentation, name of the presenter and amount of time needed to present the material.
Dolors Sala,
Chair, IEEE802 Link Security ECSG