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[LinkSec] teleconf mtg notes 2/25/03

2/25/03 ECSG LinkSec
Chair Dolors Sala,
Notes Allyn Romanow,

Onn Halan, Dolors Sala, Allyn Romanow, Bob Moskowitz, Ali Abaye, Antti
Pietelainen, Norm Finn


Consider 5 objectives
1.Unified security arch
2.Unified secure data exchange mechanism, confidentiality
4.key management, how should be done?
5.Link protection mechanism for 802.3 including point to point and
shared, including EPON
6. Discovery protocol

Get EPON requirements clearly defined
Next week organize agenda for plenary
Today discuss objectives
EPON people here today

 From Dolors email, Objectives
1. Transparent secure data encryption (SDE) mechanism (high
2. Link protection mechanism for 802.3 networks if added
functionality is needed in 1. (high priority)
3. Discovery protocol (low priority)

Authentication being superfically ignored
either .1x takes care of everything, or something else is needed
need an additional objective

what's meant by transparent? in #1
transparent to network

what is the model we're going after? Residential?
EPON requirements, Ali and Antti working on a contribution
want international vendor representation
what level of security is actually needed?
this will help security experts to craft what is needed
need initial recommendation from all the EPON vendors
confidentiality upstream and down? message integrity needed?
Is man in the middle important?
whether authentication is needed in the beginning or not?

Mani working on threat model and requirements for Enterprise

Discussion of placement of SG:
Should get EPON out of .3, make it another group?
On the other hand, resistance to do something for EPON security
without applying to rest of ethernet
Where SG goes is procedural, we should concentrate on technical work,
irrespective of where group is
Alot of the vote was that decision shouldn't be made between
Don't read negative response to linksec into it

Say in #2, "802.3 Ethernet, including point to point and shared, such as EPON"
The solution needs to solve all of these things.
Add "unified"

How should OAM packets be protected? As data packets?

key exchange
in .11i, discussion of key exchange outside of .1x
should it fix .1x, or keep its 4-way exchange separate
802.2 had doc rejected for doing too much security, where should have
been done in .1x
key exchange problematic, not come to consensus
where should it be done?

PAR, single or multiple?

5 Objectives
1.Unified security arch
2.Unified secure data exchange mechanism, confidentiality
4.Key management, how should be done?
5.Link protection mechanism for 802.3 including point to point and
shared, including EPON
6. Discovery protocol

Next week organize agenda