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[LinkSec] refining list of objectives

The refined list of objectives as discussed in the call are:
  1. A unified security architecture (high priority)
  2. A unified secure data exchange (SDE) mechanism (high priority)
  3. An authentication protocol (high priority)
  4. A key management protocol (high priority)
  5. A link protection mechanism for 802.3 (including ptp, shared media, and PON) networks if additional MAC-specific functionality is needed (high priority)
  6. A discovery protocol (low priority)
Initially I used the word transparent SDE in 2. This has changed to unified in order to express generality of the mechanism. However, thinking about it after the call, and according to my interpretation of this text, the secure bridge network scenario is not clearly included in this list. 
Changing the wording of objective 2 to the following would accomplish it:
    2. A bridge-transparent secure data exchange (SDE) mechanism
The unified objective is already present in 1, so we can consider it redundant in 2. Otherwise we may need a separate objective for this scenario.
Comments or preferences from people interested in this scenario?
is the list complete based on scenarios of interest?
Any more objectives?